1. When I was a kid I had duck named Herman that drowned....true story.

Herman the duck
2. I have never in my life taken any drugs nor have I ever smoked. My only vice is drinking...I love me some wine!
3. My first son weighed a whopping 11 lbs and my second son weighed 10 lbs. And no, I didn't have a c-section, but I did have an epidural.
4. Whenever I play Clue I am always Miss Scarlett...always.

Miss Scarlet, as I remember her.
5. I was diagnosed with a heart condition (mitral valve prolapse) when I was 12. I didn't have caffeine for 5 years, I still have to watch my in take.
6. I cannot spell...at all! Thank God for spell check.
7. My favorite ride is Pirates of the Caribbean. When we go to Disneyland it is the first ride and the last ride we go on. And we ride it 10 times in between.
8. My mom's cat is 22 years old. She is still alive and will probably out live us all.
9. I have had the same best friend since I was 3ish...I love you Symph!

10. I have zero tattoos but I am always talking about getting one. I'm really scared of the pain.
11. My 'little' brother is 6'7" tall. Oh and I'm 6' tall. I hate to shop for pants!

My bro and I B.T. (Before being Tall)
12. I have had two serious boyfriends in the life. One in highschool and the other one I married.
13. I LOVE the song Mr. Roboto by STYX. I can sing the entire song by heart-
I've got a secret I've been hiding under my skin
My heart is human, my blood is boiling, my brain IBM
14. I have sung karaoke once in my life. It was in a bar in Winslow, AZ and I sang Build Me Up Buttercup by The Foundations.
15. I can belch better than most boys I know. It's a gift really.
16. I am a serious hypocondriac (By the way, I had to look up how to spell that!). I always think I have some crazy illness. I have convinced myself at various times that I had lupus, MS, a brain tumor, leukemia, and was having a heart attack. Of course not all at once; I'm not THAT crazy.
17. I love scary movies. Not gory movies, but scary movies. My all time fav is Night of the Living Dead, the 1968 black and white classic. This movie still scares the sh*% out of me.

18. When I was a preteen my room was covered with posters of Ralph Macchio. I loved him. I was also strangly attracted to David Bowie in Labyrinth. When Jareth tells Sarah "I ask for so little. Just fear me, love me, do as I say and I will be your slave." I always wanted her to say "Okay...Deal"


I admit it... I still think he's hot.
19. For our first date, Todd took me rock climbing. I totally sucked but he married me anyway.

Todd...back in the day...
20. I was a lifeguard in highschool and college. I even taught others to be lifeguards.
21. I am also a scuba diver. Todd and I were certified together in Mexico. During our cert. dive, Todd swam away and left me in the ocean...alone. He swears he thought I was " right behind him". I still have not forgiven him.

Todd in Mexico before the "incident"
22. During my third year excavating at Homol'ovi; I fell into my unit which was about 14 feet deep. I landed on my feet, was not hurt at all, and avoided falling on my assistant Katie. I might be part cat.

Me in a shallower unit during our fourth year at Homol'ovi.
23. I love Calvin and Hobbs. I own every single book ever published and have read them many, many times. My favorite book is 'The Revenge of the Baby-Sat'.
24. I was 16 years old when I finally packed up my Barbies. Not because I wanted to, but because I had a boyfriend and I didn't think I should still be playing with them. I also slept with my teddy bear until I was in college.
25. I can't think of anything else about me. I'm really the least interesting person I know. I will end with the fact that this took me an hour and a half to write and I did not spell check it at all. Please don't judge me!
Okay, just cried when I read this, sadly Ms is now gone. She is missed. I love this post, Herman was a good duck.
Love you and love to see you blogging, you have a devoted reader here always.
Welcome to the Dark Side....
Okay...Todd looks like Ralph Macchio in the rock climbing picture! Just sayin'....
Great blog - BTW!
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